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- Jessica's Vacation #1b
- Jessica leaped from her chair and pushing the
- female guard aside, bolted for the arched doorway...the only exit. As
- she raced past the smaller man he casually extended his foot and
- Jessica took flight briefly then fell in a heap on the thick dining
- room carpet. Before she could scramble to her feet again, the woman was
- on top of her holding her arms behind her, the small man crossed her
- wrists and the guy with the bag withdrew a long length of rope and in
- seconds her hands were bound and cinched. They sat her up and the long
- ends of the rope were wrapped twice about her waist, trapping her hands
- and binding them tightly to back. He knotted the waist rope in front
- and the two men lifted Jessica to her feet. Michael! Michael! Don't do
- this ..I'll be good! I'll do everything....er.ANYTHING !!!!!" She was
- beginning to cry now. "MI - - Chaelllll....!" she was sobbing. If she
- had any thoughts that her pleas to her husband would touch his heart
- and make him stop this horror.........they were dashed in a FLASH OF
- LIGHT! Michael stood grinning at her with his CAMERA! snapping shot
- after shot. At that final indignity, Jessica knew the struggle was
- over. Michael left the room and the men guided Jessica backwards to the
- chair where the woman waited with a folded band of towel in one hand
- and what looked like a scarf in the other. The large man's hands were
- firmly upon her shoulders, holding her fast to her chair. The woman
- came before her holding a white kerchief and as she placed it over
- Jessica's head she spoke soothingly. "This is just to prevent your hair
- getting caught in things" and she she knotted the cloth loosely under
- the prisoner's <for that is how Jessica now saw herself> chin. "My name
- is Toni...it's my job to restrain you for the trip. It'll will be
- better if you don't resist any more" And as Jessica stared up blankly
- into her captor's dark eyes, Toni lightly patted her cheek. "We were
- told that you would come along calmly but that is clearly not the case
- and so I have instructions I must follow...I'm sorry" She snugged up
- the scarf a bit and pressed the folded towel over Jessica's eyes. "You
- will not be blindfolded during the ride but for the next thing I don't
- wish to be watched!" Jessica wondered what "next thing" the woman
- mean't. There was the rustling of cloth...a zipper closing, movement
- about her..Jessica was confused until she felt a wad of cloth pressed
- against her lips. "Open wide Mrs. Brown" Instinctively and in fear of
- giving up her speech, Jessica clamped her lips into a thin hard line
- and shook her head wildly for several seconds until without warning
- strong hands from behind seized her head at the ears and held it rigid!
- She was amazed at the strength of the man..she knew it must be the big
- guy. The cloth was back at her mouth and Toni said "For the last time,
- Mrs. Brown, OPEN UP!" She hissed at her captive. "Though her hearing
- was blocked by the hands over her ears Jessica heard Toni say to
- someone "spreader!. There was silence, stillness for a minute or so.
- Jessica was startled to feel a hand raising her jacket..she tried to
- rest herself away but she was still held down..<I've no bra! I'm
- naked!!> The hand was cold and as it reached her breast, it slowed and
- gently felt about with a finger or two..seeking her nipple. As the
- fingers found the nub and began to massage it between thumb and finger,
- she thought, Jessica wondered.."Why was ...AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHGGGG!!!!!!.
- Pain shot through her chest as she'd never felt before as her nipple
- was SQUEEZED!! TWISTED!! Her mouth had flown open in a scream and as
- her tit was released she realized she could not close her mouth.
- Something hard and rubbery had been placed between her side teeth. Toni
- spoke again and giggled! "Like I said Mrs. Brown now we'll do it MY
- way...Open your mouth further or I'LL do it!.. and to demonstrate she
- jacked Jessica's jaws open..She felt two "clicks". Toni had put some
- kind of a dental tool in Jessica's mouth. "Listen lady, I can spread
- your jaw till it's touching your chest! If you don't want that just
- relax your jaw. "AAWWWWGGGRRRFF" Jessica moaned and as she tried to
- relax it, her jaw was opened two more...then a third notch and it was
- held there. "OK Mrs. Brown" <giggle> Now to fill it up. The next few
- minutes seemed like forever to the helpless Jessica. The man holding
- her head tipped it far backward and Toni began stuffing cloth into her
- mouth..."Too bad lady" Toni cooed " I would have just popped a rag in
- there to keep you quiet and you'd have been fine. But NOW we're going
- to see who's in control <giggling!> The first cloth was pushed deep in
- Jessica's mouth as another < bandana she thought > was packed in.
- Toni's fingers stuffed the cloth into Jessica's cheeks, under her
- tongue. When she pulled out her fingers Jessica expected a cloth tied
- over it...but ANOTHER rag entered her mouth! Toni poked and prodded and
- even forced cloth between the captive's teeth and her lips. Jessica was
- afraid she would "Gag" on the gag but Toni knew her task and the cloths
- did not choke. Rather, her idea was to keep Jessica's mouth wide open
- and her jaws strained. Toni released the spreader but Jessica's jaws
- barely moved together. Toni patted her cheeks again and said
- "Beautiful!..now watch this. Another bandana folded to 2" wide was
- pulled between Jessica's teeth forcing the whole gag deeper in her
- mouth. Then Toni said "And THIS!" So saying she seized the ends of the
- head scarf and with a GRUNT! pulled with all her might and bound
- Jessica's jaw tight to the wadding. Jessica had never experienced a gag
- like this or even near to it. But in the midst of her fear and all the
- questions unanswered...something was "stirring" in Jessica. In the
- darkness, in her bondage...the tightness of her wrist bonds....the
- incredible discomfort of her overly gagged mouth...the feeling she
- might gag...She couldn't think..her mind was a blur..awash with
- feelings of constriction, helplessness, the pressure at her
- mouth..stuffed open yet tied shut at once...the wadding tasted dry but
- clean..she tested her gag "mmmmfffggmm" She could barely hear what
- would have been a shout! Toni wasn't finished and Jessica felt the
- constriction of another cloth being tied over her mouth! This was a
- dish towel, Jessica knew immediately and in the midst of her agony she
- thought to herself <"I must be crazy..I'm being tortured by a gag-crazy
- woman...and this towel smells so nice and fresh MMMMmmmmmmmm...so nice
- and it's so tight..so secure and I'm a helpless hostage mmmmmmmmmmm."
- Hands lifted her from her chair and she was half carried, half dragged,
- propelled in darkness and silence out her side door, across a walk and
- lifted into a car...a truck?...Everything in her mind was changing
- gears...she felt confused yet alright. "Michael" she tried to think of
- Michael..what happened ..she couldn't focus....Michael was of a
- different world. She was here now.....tightly bound, cruelly gagged,
- blindfolded. Doors closed and the van moved beneath her. Strong hands
- were lashing her into a chair with ropes TIGHT about her chest..criss
- crossed above and below her breasts. Another set of hands bound her
- ankles together too tightly! then drew them back and roped them to a
- post under the seat. They tied her knees together and crossed the rope
- between them and cinched them. Jessica had been tied up many times for
- play..this was not play. AND WHERE WAS SHE GOING..? WHY..? OH
- YES!..TRAINING!....WHAT TRAINING?? She thought again of Michael why had
- he done this?..but it didn't matter now. Now she was a prisoner,
- helpless and frightened she didn't belong to Michael. These people were
- her captors, they had control of her........Jessica sighed into her gag
- and tried to relax. Her hands were crushed behind her and her mouth ached
- terribly. She couldn't help it...her captors wanted her that way.......
- and now she had no choices.....now she belonged to them..only they
- could stop the hurting the awful helplessness....so uncomfortable......
- can't move anything....mouth..God I want to close my mouth.....later,
- maybe later they'll let me close my mouth.......a long ride...I heard
- them say it's a LONG ride.......I'll be bound for hours...........and
- though her mouth was bound........Jessica smiled ;-)
- The van merged into the freeway traffic...and they settled down for
- the long boring ride to Hobble, Iowa.
- Jessica's Vacation #1b